Meet singer-songwriter Seymour, her enigmatic lyrics and her journey in the music industry


Author: Anastaseea Author’s IG: Photographer: @jamieleeculver In the diverse London music scene, Seymour, an emerging singer-songwriter and artist, is slowly but surely carving her space with her poignant lyrics and pop melodies. At 23, […]

Unveiling a hidden gem of London’s music scene: The Holywell Collective


Author: Anastaseea (Anastasia Gouli) Author IG: Photographer: Richard Mukuze Based in the heart of Shoreditch, the Holywell Collective is a unique community that has become a haven for independent musicians and artists. The collective […]

Beyoncé Announces the Renaissance World Tour 2023


Culture Overview: Beyoncé Announces the Renaissance World Tour Beyoncé, a global icon, has announced a new tour; the Renaissance World Tour. The tour follows the release of her latest album, ‘Renaissance’, which was released in […]

Venice Biennale 2022: A celebration of contemporary art


Critical Overview The 59th Venice Biennale is the latest edition of a grand international exhibition of contemporary art, which takes place in Venice, Italy. With 213 artists from 58 countries and countless official and unofficial […]


Meet singer-songwriter Seymour, her enigmatic lyrics and her journey in the music industry

Author: Anastaseea Author’s IG: Photographer: @jamieleeculver In the diverse London music scene, Seymour, an emerging singer-songwriter and artist, is slowly but surely carving her space with her poignant lyrics and pop melodies. At 23, […]


Unveiling a hidden gem of London’s music scene: The Holywell Collective

Author: Anastaseea (Anastasia Gouli) Author IG: Photographer: Richard Mukuze Based in the heart of Shoreditch, the Holywell Collective is a unique community that has become a haven for independent musicians and artists. The collective […]


Beyoncé Announces the Renaissance World Tour 2023

Culture Overview: Beyoncé Announces the Renaissance World Tour Beyoncé, a global icon, has announced a new tour; the Renaissance World Tour. The tour follows the release of her latest album, ‘Renaissance’, which was released in […]

In the Spotlight

Step into the ‘Dr Who: Time Fracture’ immersive experience

by content editor in Culture Comments Off on Step into the ‘Dr Who: Time Fracture’ immersive experience

Critical Overview: Doctor Who: Time Fracture Doctor Who: Time Fracture, an immersive experience located near Bond Street Station in London, is produced by Immersive Everywhere in collaboration with the BBC. The warehouse setting is transformed [...]

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Meet singer-songwriter Seymour, her enigmatic lyrics and her journey in the music industry

Author: Anastaseea Author’s IG: Photographer: @jamieleeculver In the diverse London music scene, Seymour, an emerging singer-songwriter and artist, is slowly but surely carving her space with her poignant lyrics and pop melodies. At 23, […]

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